Tag Archives: humour

Left 4 Dead 2 Box Art

Left 4 Dead 2 Box Art

We’re sure you’ll agree: Pretty convincing. Granted, it took lopping the fingers off two staff members’ hands to get the lighting reference perfect, but since those didn’t appear on the box, we think we’re legally in the clear.

via Left 4 Dead Blog.

I *love* how Valve have an excellent sense of humour.

Is Your Son a Computer Hacker?

Two years ago, my wife Carol and I decided that our children’s education would not be complete without some grounding in modern computers. To this end, we bought our children a brand new Compaq to learn with. […] Our son Peter was most entranced by the device, and became quite a pro at surfing the net. When Peter began to spend whole days on the machine, I became concerned, but Carol advised me to calm down, and that it was only a passing phase. I was content to bow to her experience as a mother, until our youngest daughter, Cindy, charged into the living room one night to blurt out: “Peter is a computer hacker!”

To this end, I have decided to publish the top ten signs that your son is a hacker. I advise any parents to read this list carefully and if their son matches the profile, they should take action. A smart parent will first try to reason with their son, before resorting to groundings, or even spanking. […]

via Is Your Son a Computer Hacker?.

I think the article is done with a healthy dose of satire.

I *think*.

I could be wrong.

Google Out of Ideas for iPhone App?

It seems that Google is out of ideas for their iPhone application, Google Mobile, when they are struggling to find things to put in the “What’s new in this version” and resort to putting “Enhanced version number”.

via Google Out of Ideas for iPhone App – MacTalk Forums.

This is serious gold…

Take a look for yourself:

What's New for the Google Mobile App?

Or, if you really don’t believe me, hit up the Google Mobile App page on the App Store here.

In any case, I managed to LOL. It’s good to know that these guys have a sense of humour.