Something interesting that happens when you do a little introspection is that you start to realise how effective fate really is.
I’ve never really put much stock into fate. Instead, I’ve chosen to believe that everyone is a master of their own fate, and make their own fate through the decisions that they make in their lives. But as I’ve grown older and theoretically wiser, it’s become clear to me that both can be true; people can make their own fate, and fate can have an effect on their lives that they might not even be aware of. As we live our lives and make decisions, those decisions lead to more decisions, those decisions lead to even more decisions, and in amongst all that unbridled decision-making, fate comes out to play.
Because as much as we think we’re in control of our own lives, sometimes life has other plans. As much as we can decide to do one thing, or as much as we can decide to have control over the things we want to do, the kind of job we want, the people we make friends with, some of the time, it just doesn’t work out that way. And if that doesn’t perfectly describe fate, what else does?
I don’t think this is a bad thing, necessarily. Don’t you think it would be a little boring, if things always worked out exactly as you planned, exactly as you wanted?
When I think about what I do for work these days, the people I work with, the social activities I’m a participate in, I wonder about how different it would be if things worked out even slightly differently. I’ll never tell anyone I work with, but I applied for my job on little more than a whim, based on not getting offers in a different part of the org. I thought the role looked OK and interesting enough (obviously, otherwise I wouldn’t have applied), but it wasn’t my first choice, and honestly, wasn’t even my second. But looking back at it now, I have zero regrets and I’m infinitely glad things worked out as well as they have. I’m so grateful for the people and teams that I work with, the people I’ve met as part of my role, and all the friends I’ve made along the way. It sounds trite, but it’s true.
But every time I feel appreciative of where I’ve ended up, I can’t help but wonder how things would have worked out if, somewhere along the way, something had gone even slightly differently.
Because I can’t help but wonder what my life looks like if I had received and accepted an offer for the first position I applied for. What would I be doing if I had accepted an offer in a completely different department, doing completely different work? What does my life look like if I hadn’t ended up staying until the very end at Vita Group? What does my life look like if I ended up getting into my first preference at uni? Different, undoubtedly, but how so? Would I be married now? Or have kids of my own, like my parents did at my age?
But that’s playing the what-if game, and that only leads to more questions, and not answers. A fun thought experiment, but not something I should dwell on or take seriously.
So, what lessons can we learn here? What wisdom can I carry into the new year, given that I’m now a year older, and wiser is said to come with the territory? Am I supposed to understand that sometimes things don’t work out how I want them to, despite my best efforts? Is the universe telling me that things will work out, or they won’t, based entirely at random? Because I would like to think I’m already acutely aware of that fact, based on previous lived experience. I didn’t get into my first preference for uni, but maybe I was never supposed to. Fate, it seems, had other plans. Looking back at it now, I don’t think I could have done anything too differently. But given that I missed out by that much, maybe I didn’t need to, and all I needed was a little nudge from fate.
But again, how is this any different to everyone else? I don’t think I’m unique in this respect, or in many others. Everyone has decisions they’ve made to be where they are today, and everyone has had fate intervene in their lives in such complex, unimaginable ways that I can’t even begin to fathom how things would be different if things hadn’t gone exactly as they had. I think if there’s any lesson to be learned here, it’s that even the best laid plans can be completely upended by factors outside of your control. And as much as recency bias puts fate working in ways that negatively impact me and my life, it’s probably worked in just as many ways that have a positive impact, too. Fate works in mysterious ways, as they say.
To be clear, I’m not bitter about anything that’s happened. Just pensive, I guess. Introspective, of course — but it’s that time of year to be, as I look over the year gone by, and put another notch in the old belt.
And as I continue being an adult, whatever that entails, I’ll occasionally wonder about what fate has in store for me next.
You know, to keep things interesting.