Tag Archives: mcdonalds
Malaysia 2009 – Part III

24 Hour McDonalds Delivery!
So – while I was in Malaysia, I needed some way to access the internet ocassionally, to check email, Facebook, and so on. There wasn’t any at where we were staying, so each week or so we would take the car and drive down to the local McDonalds. Luckily, they had free Wi-Fi that anyone could access and use. I didn’t feel like being a douche and steal their Wi-Fi without buying anything, so a trip to McDonalds usually involved a small snack as well.
Anyway, it was on one of these particular trips that I discovered that that particular McDonalds offered 24-hour delivery. 24 hours! Delivery! McDonalds!
Needless to say, I was pretty impressed. If you woke up at 3am and wanted a burger, or some curly fries (only available during Chinese New Year), then all that stood between you and your deep fried goodness was a phonecall.
Of course, I never tried out the service – but still, impressive, no?
Comments below.
Previous entries in the Malaysia series can be found here:
Part I – Don’t Sweat It
Part Ia – Keeps Getting Better
Part II – Dactyl