Tag Archives: plugins

Twitter Updates Now Turned Off

Right, so maybe you liked them, maybe you didn’t. Maybe having a publicly-searchable archive of my tweets was a good idea, maybe it wasn’t.

Either way, the “Twitter Weekly Updates for week BLAH” posts have now been turned off. Frankly they were just annoying walls of text that (probably) no-one actually read, and they just cluttered up my search results when trying to look for stuff I’d actually blogged.

Not to mention the timer which apparently had a mind of it’s own – Sunday 3am is NOT Sunday at 10pm, and there was even that post which was posted on a Wednesday… Argh, what?! The time difference never seemed to be consistent, so I got angry and removed it altogether.

Maybe you’ll notice they’re gone, maybe you won’t. Either way, it’s gone, and I don’t plan to add it back anytime soon. If I feel like it I’ll also be removing the previous archives manually with WordPress’ bulk actions.

Much love for WordPress’ built-in bulk edit actions.

Is WordPress A Thankless Community?

Over the past few weeks, I’ve noticed a disturbing trend. Many of the plugin authors I have spoken with throughout the community tell me that very rarely do they ever get a donation let alone a Thank You for releasing their work to the public. Based on the plugin authors feedback, end users demand more features, demand better support, and in the end, have this feeling of entitlement even if the plugin is available without a price tag. The reality is, that for a freely available plugin, you’re not entitled to anything. I don’t know about you, but I certainly would not like to be part of a community that is known as thankless.

via Is WordPress A Thankless Community? | Weblog Tools Collection.

I would err on the side of “yes, WordPress is a thankless community” with this one, but realistically, it could easily swing both ways.

I certainly don’t donate (but maybe I should), but I do try and help out exposure by blogging about awesome plugins/themes that I use.

To all those I haven’t mentioned, thanks. Thanks for all the hard work you’ve put in so that I didn’t have to. 🙂