Tag Archives: epic

These guys are pretty awesome!

via YouTube – Lady Gaga Telephone.

Also, if someone else puts up an “Lady Gaga ft Beyonce Telephone Original Music Video” (in quotation marks because it’s some Africa-American ranting on about some crap, damn I’m racist) without it ACTUALLY being the official music video, I just might have to kill someone.

There, I said it.

In Bad Company

Another brilliant night.

Notable highlights – was defending on the map with the lighthouse, chopper flew up above the treeline, I was sitting on the roof of some building, sniped the pilot, which brought the (full of people) chopper down again.

Did it once again not a minute later – same pilot.

Third highlight minutes after that was when a Medic and the pilot from the chopper incidents before landed the chopper on a hill and jumped out. I spotted them, took out the chopper pilot, reloaded while the Medic rezzed him, took out the pilot again, and again, and again, until they realised their plan wasn’t going anywhere fast, so they dropped down and that was that…

STOKED because it was the first time I had managed to snipe a pilot out of a moving chopper. Epic fluke shot, if I do say so myself

lolsauce, if you’re reading this, thanks for the points mate!

via Battlefield: Bad Company 2 – Page 132 – Overclockers Australia Forums.

Watch out for the full review coming up shortly. If I ever get bored of the multiplayer and actually finish the singleplayer, that is 😀

Modern Warfare 2- Knifetastic Ricochet Kill

We are working on our review of MW2 single and multiplayer and its taking longer than expected because there is so much to do and unlock. In the meantime we thought you’d like to see DeFranco’s latest trick where he puts his A in geometry, to good use while playing with his Riot Shield and knife setup.

**Note**: If you can’t tell, the knife bounces of the wall and stabs Phil’s victim in the neck for an instant kill.

**Double Not

via YouTube – Modern Warfare 2- Knifetastic Ricochet Kill.