Tag Archives: epic

Some Miscellaneous Links, The ShoveBox Clearout Edition

Thrust is a interpreted stack-based esoteric programming language where all of the language constructs are based on the word thrust. In the language stacks are referred to as ‘thrustors’ and are the sole storage location. Each thrustor has a numerical identifier.

via Ima Blogg : Thrust.

What exactly is jQuery?

How can it make my life easier as a developer? How do I get started? Well, jQuery makes writing Javascript fun again and really allows you to take advantage of some of the more difficult aspects of Javascript with relative ease. Today, we will have a look at how to get started with jQuery, and writing your first script!

via Simple Guide: How to get started with jQuery.

The 2 oz., pocket-sized OWC Express USB 2.0 Enclosure offers bus powered* personal storage performance in an ultra-portable design. With no AC adapter needed, a USB connecting cable and carrying sleeve included, and compatibility with Macs and PCs, the OWC Express puts your music, photos, and personal data in the fast lane.

via OWC Express. (Besides, it’s all pretty and shiny. And stuff.)

grow open-ended mosaics

via Landscape Urbanism Bullshit Generator.

Click on “Illustration” or “Pencil” to create a new iPhone Mockup in either style.

via iPhone Mockup Generator.

Cheat sheet is a reference tool that provides simple, brief instructions for accomplishing a specific task. I have collected a set of best cheat sheets for web developers. Please feel free to suggest some of the cheat sheets I did not mention.

via xHTML and HTML Cheat Sheets.

Following our series of HDR images of famous city we have an incredible set of photos from New York City, the city that never sleeps. The photos are from sites like Flickr and DeviantArt and we hope you enjoy it. You can check out the other posts of: Berlin, Rome, and Paris. Also let us know if you have nice HDR photos from your town.

via Amazing HDR photos of New York City | Abduzeedo.

iPhone Tracking How-To from Instamapper.

via Instamapper – Free Real-Time GPS Tracking.

It all started with an eBay auction for a new G4 Powerbook. My friend Cory wanted me to sell it for him just days after he bought it. Probably because he realized that, aside from looking cool, he had no real use for it. For the sake of an easy sale, I just pretended to sell it as my own, with a starting price of $1700, and the “Buy It Now” option for $2100.

via The P-P-P-Powerbook Prank.

Introducing the new Light For Life™, an entirely new take on portable “flashlight” technology. With a charge time of just 90 seconds, the Light for Life UC3.400™ has the longest uptime and fastest recharge on the market, all in a durable, environmentally-friendly package.

via Light For Life.

Every day thousands of misspelled auction items on eBay fail to sell because they can’t be found using eBay’s built-in search tools. To find these so-called ‘fat fingers’ eBay misspellings you need to use a specialised eBay typo search tool such as this one.

via TypoThis.com.


via Team Rocket Intro Sequence.

AppleScript is a simple Macintosh-only programming language that can control and automate actions on your Mac. AppleScripts written for iTunes can manage files and track information, create playlists, interact with other applications, and perform many other tasks which otherwise would be repetitive and time-consuming.

via Doug’s AppleScripts for iTunes.

Woot, inspired by Rob’s hard investigative look into the economy of lols, has done the deep googling necessary to track the elusive wooooot (and w00000000t).

via “woot” index.

One Line Ascii Art for Twitter, IM, Text Messages, and Status Updates.

via One Line ASCII Art.

Yesterday a Twitter post (a tweet) by Mashable’s Pete Cashmore became so popular that traffic from Twitter crashed a blog. This sounds very similar to a common social media phenomenon originally known as the Slashdot effect (and later also the Digg effect), where a post on a popular social media site pushes more traffic than the target site can handle.

via Dawn of the Twitter Effect.

Most people get worried about how much energy reserves we have left, but as this graphic shows, that’s the least of our problems. The real problem is the materials we use to make things.

via How Long Will Our World Last.

Synected enables shortened URL creation on your own blog. Rather than relying on services such as tinyurl.com or bit.ly, Synected lets you easily create and use short links based off your own domain. This releases you from dependence on a third party — a server error on tinyurl no longer prevents visitors from reaching your site. In addition, it strengthens your brand, keeping your domain name in view of your audience even on Twitter and other micro-communication platforms.

via Synected. (Useless to use it on this blog, because the URL alone is 30 characters [including the http:// stuff], which is the maximum that Twitter will display. I’d buy kar.la, but it’s isn’t available.)

This morning I set Outspoken Media up with it’s own URL “shortening service” so to speak and Lisa thought you guys might want to know how I did it. With all the talk of Tweet-Jacking and concerns regarding the branding you’re doing for URL shortening services instead of yourself, it only makes sense to create your own internal URL shortening service if at all possible.

via WordPress URL Shortener How-To.

Enter iTunesFS, a FUSEOFS based file system for your Mac, which makes all your iTunes™ playlists available as folders in Finder™! And – not only that – as you can see in the screenshot below, version 1.1 adds support for iPod™s in the very same manner!

via iTunesFS.

This is so pointless, but utterly, utterly cool at the same time. Ba-doom TISH! 🙂

via Instant Rimshot.

All in all, I have to admit that I’m very please with both apps. However, I think the flexiblilty of The Hit List makes it a clear winner in my book. For me, The Hit List is a grown up version of Things. I hope that Culture Code will take heed of some of the things in THL, and hopefully they can win me back in the future.

via Things vs The Hit List. (This too reflects my thoughts almost perfectly – IMO, The Hit List is a far better GTD client than Things is – however, the lack of a iPhone app makes me cry. :()

Phew! Now that those links have been cleared out, ShoveBox is useable again! 🙂

15 Links – The Somewhat Epic Edition

Haven’t done this for a while, so here’s a few links that I’ve picked up from the interwebs these couple of days…

Sure, it’s flash. But it’s damn cool anyway! Sorta like a LED-scrolling name badge, but in the standard OSX-style tickbox instead. From what I can gather, it’s some sort of design-based website. Thanks to @decryption for this one.

This has been labelled “Web 2.0” at it’s best – and it’s not hard to see why. Essentially, start.io is a collection of links for your customisable pleasure, that anyone can access. You can sort you links out, and then people who have similar interests to you can see which websites you like the most!

40 Excellent Logos Created with Helvetica
Could you spot Helvetica from a mile off? Okay, name a brand that features Helvetica as it’s logo. Name two. Name another? In any case, this site decides to showcase 40 logos that have two things in common: they’re all awesome, and they’re all based off Helvetica.

Bloody Scammers
This is a JPEG link that shows an interesting conversation between a Skyper and a scammer. Well, at least the scammer was honest?

Sad Roo Is Sad
Another JPEG link, again from Twitter, this one shows a kangaroo – with what seems to be a tear. Awwww….

RSS Lamp Shades
Aw, c’mon now. This is just too awesome not to share with you. I mean, nothing says “web geek” better than RSS Lampshades. Now, if only they made Facebook or Twitter ones…

Have Gadgets Turned Us Into Lazy Morons?
Well, have they? There’s an amusing graphic on the page that shows the evolution of the human species, you know homo erectus, etc, and at the end, there’s this pic of a guy hunched over a computer keyboard, peering into a monitor… Gold.

Periodic Table of Game Controllers
I love how they’ve left out the actual outlines of the controllers themselves. Full size is an epic pic indeed, you can view it here. I’d love to have this in my room, blown up to poster-size and hanging on my wall…

Periodic Table of Typefaces
Just like the gaming one above, this periodic table is once epic pic. I probably wouldn’t want it as a poster (just because I’m not a designer), but still – it’d be ultra cool in any case. Egads! Where is Verdana?! They left my favourite typeface out! 😮

It Takes Roughly 17 Hard Drives To Stop a .50 cal Armour Piercing Incendiary Round
This is excellent – guns and hard drives. Seriously, though – a .50 cal? Armour piercing? If all that wasn’t enough, incendiary? I’m so there, and you should be too. Not Safe For Work, because there’s death metal and lots of swearing.

Flammable Water
Not actually flammable water, per se, but the fact that a couple in the US managed to light the *gas* that was coming from their water supply? Sounds like another Humberto Vidal disaster waiting to happen. (As a side note, I saw the “Seconds from Disaster” clip about the aforementioned disaster… Things like that just shouldn’t happen.)

Laser Dial
No, it’s not a laser telephone. It’s got nothing to do with telephones at all, actually. Instead, think more along the lines of a laser sundial. It’s super cool, and I want one.

Masked Man Demos iPhone 3.0 Beta
This is a vid of a masked man (who likes to say like, like, a lot) who goes through pretty much every iPhone OS 3.0 feature you can think of. Or poke a finger at. See what I did there?

Sanwa’s Throat Microphone
Awesome throat mike is awesome. I want one, even if the only reason would be to look like a Navy SEAL/USMC Force Recon/Delta Op when I’m skyping, haha! 😀

5 Facebook Profile Pic Hacks
Very interesting. Very interesting indeed. I will have to look into doing one of these at some stage, just to “spruce up” my facebook a bit.