Tag Archives: gameplay

Left 4 Dead 2 hands-on 4 you

Significant improvements have been made to level design, utilizing the expertise of Portal designer Kim Swift. Some levels will have sections that have changing layouts. Faliszek mentioned a graveyard that would be different for every playthrough, for example. The AI Director can make the path through the graveyard longer or shorter depending on how well the Survivors are doing. Another level begins in total daylight, but darkens as a storm rolls in. The storm reduces visibility to nearly nothing, making it hard to spot zombies and, worse, teammates (their outlines won’t appear in the fog). Faliszek compared it to the cornfield in L4D’s “Blood Harvest.”

via Left 4 Dead 2 hands-on 4 you.


November can’t come fast enough – that being said, I wanted iPhone OS 3.0 back whenever it was announced, and that’s almost here… 🙂

Left 4 Dead DLC news coming “shortly” to PC, 360

Left 4 Dead was easily one of the most exciting PC releases of the year and has kept most of us blasting zombies with friends well through the holidays. But as good as the stock game is, some Team Fortress 2-style downloadable content will surely make it better, and Valve has revealed that the first batch of Left 4 Dead DLC will be revealed “shortly.”

via Left 4 Dead DLC news coming “shortly” to PC, 360.

Any L4D news is good news.

Downloadable content, however, is even better news.

If you haven’t figured it out already, Left 4 Dead is a really, really, good game.

Co-Op is awesome, and Versus is fun as well.

I’m one of those gamers who doesn’t like killing their friends in video games, so Co-Op is always something that I’ve enjoyed. For me, it feels like I’m a part of a team, heading towards a common goal.

The first time I came across co-op was in back in the days when I had a GameCube. Man those things were awesome. Anyway, Dave and I rented out Conflict:Desert Storm for a weekend, and we were hooked.

It’s no surprise that he ended up getting it for his original Xbox.

…and thus, my love for Co-Op gameplay was born.