Still hard to believe he’s gone.
This post part of Blogtober 2011, just a little thing of mine where I (attempt to) post something up on my blog every day in October 2011.Tag Archives: jobs
Reality distortion field remains strong with Steve Jobs after antennagate
Apple founder Steve Jobs have been busy defending the iPhone 4, which has been mired in problems since before its launch. The latest scandal to crop up, dubbed ‘antennagate’, is so-named because the phone’s antenna gets poor reception if the phone is held the wrong way. Watch Jobs try and convince the world it’s not a big deal in this animation.
via YouTube – Reality distortion field remains strong with Steve Jobs after antennagate).
Yes, I know it’s in Mandarin. If you’ve been following the iPhone 4 story so far (even tangentially) you won’t have any issues following the video, though 🙂
Where the rounded rectangles in OSX came from…
Bill had added new code to QuickDraw (which was still called LisaGraf at this point) to draw circles and ovals very quickly. That was a bit hard to do on the Macintosh, since the math for circles usually involved taking square roots, and the 68000 processor in the Lisa and Macintosh didn’t support floating point operations. But Bill had come up with a clever way to do the circle calculation that only used addition and subtraction, not even multiplication or division, which the 68000 could do, but was kind of slow at.
Bill’s technique used the fact the sum of a sequence of odd numbers is always the next perfect square (For example, 1 + 3 = 4, 1 + 3 + 5 = 9, 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 16, etc). So he could figure out when to bump the dependent coordinate value by iterating in a loop until a threshold was exceeded. This allowed QuickDraw to draw ovals very quickly.
via Macintosh Stories: Round Rects Are Everywhere!.
Incredible Steve Jobs Portrait in Apple Typefaces
At first, Dylan’s portrait looks like a pointillist painting. But on closer inspection, you see that Jobs is rendered in the words of “the crazy ones” TV ad, using a variety of Apple-related fonts — Motter Tektura, Apple Garamond, Myriad, Univers, Gill Sans, and Volkswagen AG Rounded, to be exact.
via Incredible Steve Jobs Portrait in Apple Typefaces | Cult of Mac.
16 Links – The Catchup Edition
Right, so I actually hate it when I leave my computer alone for a day. It pretty much gaurantees that I’m gonna have 1500+ RSS items to read the next time I’m on, which means a solid hour of looking through them, trying to find ones good enough to post up on here. In any case, I’ve somehow managed to find 16 that are worthy of your attention today, in between all the Uni stuff, and all that. So enjoy. Or else.
6 Dreams Jobs That Would Actually Suck
Yet another list from Cracked. Interestingly, it’s all on the one page, instead of the idiotic “12 items spread over 4 pages” deal that they usually do. Props to them.
Usability Analysis of Apple.Com
It’s not so much usability, as it is transparency. If a site is usable, then all those “features” of usability will also be transparent to the user – if some site is harping on about how “usable” it is, then it probably isn’t.
A Pic of Some Girl’s Tee
While some would consider this inappropriate, what’s so inappropriate about a girl with a T-Shirt that says she loves G9? I have a couple of mates that love the Logitech G9, as well. (Thanks, Digg). Bonus points if you thought the other meaning – then noticed the amount of tatts on her arms. Ugh.
A Sith Lord Timeline
As much as I hate to admit this, I’m not that huge a fan of the Sith. Maybe it’s the fact that they’re all evil, or maybe i’s because all of them seem to adorn strange headgear – either way, the Dark Side just doesn’t do it for me.
I Survived The Bush Administration
…and all I got was: (tick all that apply)
crippling national debt
diminished civil liberties
illegally wiretapped
my shoes stolen at the airport
cavity searched
imprisoned without charge
abducted, then tortured
an economy in crisis
…AND this lousy T-shirt. (Thanks, Digg.)
How-To: Watch Movies In Your Terminal Window
This comes to you courtesy of Stupid Geek Tricks. The quality is horrendous, I wouldn’t recommed it. Also note that this trick is for Linux users only.
Funny. Comic.
The 30 Best Features of Windows 7
Most of these are actual valid features, unlike the “Why Windows is better than Mac” article from the same people. Most of these features are also the reason that I’ll be running a Windows 7 gaming machine. Ooh, yeah.
iTunes App Sorting Concept
Apple – this would have worked from the beginning. Please, I’m sick of manually sorting apps on my iPhone, and it’s a major pain when you’ve got a couple of very full homescreens.
7 Ways To Make Your Laptop Battery Last Longer
Seriously? I expected “hacks”, not a list of common sense reasons.
Top 10 Halo 3 Kills, #15
An excellent montage of excellent Halo 3 kills. I had no idea some people could be so accurate with the sniper rifle!
The Kogan Agora, Android-phone.
Is it just me, or does that look like it’s made of incredibly cheap plastic? Fail.
Googly-Eyes Clock
If I could only figure out how to tell the time on them.
AT-AT Boombox
It’s awesome.
Space Invader Ice Cubes
Because you can, that’s why. And personally, why the hell not?
Why does this iBook have a BSOD?
Who knows. In any case, it’s a marketing fail. Everyone knows that iBooks can’t run Windows, therefore, no BSOD is possible.
Phew – that’s it. Apologies if my comments were getting a little rash as I approched the end – sometimes, you just have to click on the link to find out for yourself.
Comments below.
Letter from Apple CEO Steve Jobs
Dear Apple Community,
Unfortunately, my decision to have Phil deliver the Macworld keynote set off another flurry of rumors about my health, with some even publishing stories of me on my deathbed.
As many of you know, I have been losing weight throughout 2008. The reason has been a mystery to me and my doctors. A few weeks ago, I decided that getting to the root cause of this and reversing it needed to become my #1 priority.
Fortunately, after further testing, my doctors think they have found the cause—a hormone imbalance that has been “robbing” me of the proteins my body needs to be healthy. Sophisticated blood tests have confirmed this diagnosis.
The remedy for this nutritional problem is relatively simple and straightforward, and I’ve already begun treatment. But, just like I didn’t lose this much weight and body mass in a week or a month, my doctors expect it will take me until late this Spring to regain it. I will continue as Apple’s CEO during my recovery.
So now I’ve said more than I wanted to say, and all that I am going to say, about this.