Tag Archives: part

Malaysia 2009 – Part VII

Okay, so there’s a lot more images in that folder than I expected. No worries, it just means more posts for you! Here’s another, entitled “Wait, I’ve seen that somewhere! (Part Two)”.

Nazi or Bhuddist?

Nazi or Bhuddist?

Right – so yet more late-night driving. I think this was after my Gramp’s 80th bday party, but in any case, we had seen this a couple of times before.

Armed with lots of photon-capturing devices (read: cameras, iPhone), we went back to take some good photos.

Now, the question remains: what is it? Sure, it’s a swastika, but it’s not for a Nazi party. Nope – if you read the text at the bottom of the image, it says something along the lines of “Buddhist Church of Sitiawan”.

The design of the swastika is actually pretty cool – it’s made out of lanterns which make for an ominous sight at night-time.

Pretty blatant of them to just stick it out there, though, considering how easily it could be mistaken for a Nazi symbol, and it’s not a small sign either, easily being taller than 2m in height, with a couple more for elevation.

Malaysia 2009 – Part VI

Yes, I’m not quite done yet. On my desktop, there’s a folder with blog-able pics from my trip, and this one’s one of them. There’s a couple more to come, so we might reach Part X if we’re lucky (and if I can be bothered).

In any case, the reason I haven’t been blogging lately is because my internet has been painfully slow. You can read all about it here.

So, lets get into it, yeah? This one’s called I’ve seen that logo before, and goes out to all my mates on MacTalk Forums.

Apple Allied Resources

Apple Allied Resources

We were driving along, going from A to B (as you do in Malaysia), and I was looking out the window, taking in the sights (as you do) when I suddenly spotted a familiar logo…

Of course, I whipped out my iPhone, and snapped a picture as fast as I could. My sister was also snapping a pic of something random (I think it was a school bus), but the Apple logo was just too good a photo oppurtunity to pass up…

Of course, now that I’ve taken the photo, you can go ahead and tell Apple to sue the pants off Allied Resources. Unless they’re actually a part of Apple, of course. But that’s unlikely. :p

Comments below.

Malaysia 2009 – Part IV

So we were at my Gramps 80th Bday bash (haha – now THAT’S an overstatement), and during one of the courses, I noticed there was something funny in the rice dish we were having. It wasn’t a rice dish, more like a rice dish on a platter of assorted Chinese delicasies, but whatever it was, there was, unmistakably, a fly.

Now, the way the rice was presented meant that the fly had to have been cooked into the rice bowl – or, at least, crushed between the plastic, rice, and whatever the nutty stuff on top is.

Needless to say, my cousins and I were similarly grossed out – we only ate the parts of that dish that we liked, and yeah – that was that.

The next dish came and went, and the night continued on…

Malaysia 2009 – Part II

Dactyl Highscores

Dactyl Highscores

So, I finally managed to beat Turk’s high score on the iPhone game, Dactyl.

As you can see from the image above, he’s managed to rack up quite a lot of scores – and finally, I’ve managed to beat him in a fit of epic boredom when I was in Malaysia.

Now – the next thing is to crack the 500 mark. Shouldn’t be too hard, considering that I got 492 without putting in much effort.

Maybe I should tell him that there’s already a sequel  – Dactyl 2 in the App Store – then again, maybe not…

This has been Malaysia 2009, Part II – brought to you by Benny Ling’s Bling.

Previous entries can be found at their respective links below:
Part I (Don’t Sweat It)
Part Ia (Keeps Getting Better)